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OSCAR Terms & Conditions

OSCAR PROGRAMMES for children aged 5–13 years. PYDT OSCAR is split into two programmes ‘Papanui Pirates’ (yrs 1-6) and Casebrook Cruisers (yrs 7-8) we aim to operate like a family where older children help care for younger ones, buddying up to learning a new game together. Our programme makes use of young people from local high schools as volunteer leaders. We care about your children and what’s going on in their world. We help children to feel they belong and encourage them to function as a team, respecting one another and their environment. 


SIGNING IN AND OUT: When dropping off/collecting your child it is essential that you sign your child in/out on the Daily Attendance Register. We are required as an OSCAR provider to have your signature as legal guardian. If a person whose name is not on your Enrolment Form arrives to collect your child, we are obliged to keep your child in our care until you have been contacted for consent. We would appreciate prior notification IN WRITING if someone else is going to collect your child or if your child attends the Intermediate programme is making their own way home. 


ABSENCE: Once your child is booked into a session, we expect them to be at the programme. If we have not been notified, and your child does not arrive, we will pursue all contacts until the child is located. Prior notification of cancellation is required. 


SICKNESS: Please do not send your child to OSCAR if they are unwell. If they become ill during a session, you will be contacted to collect them as soon as possible. 


EMERGENCIES: All staff are trained to deal with emergencies. In the event of a serious accident involving your child, we will seek appropriate medical treatment. In a civil emergency our staff will remain at the programme until all children are collected.


FEE PAYMENT: Direct Credit is our preferred method of payment.


Our bank account is Westpac 03-0854-0731499-00. Please put your CHILD’S SURNAME AND FIRST INITIAL. 


Many of the costs for this programme are set or paid for in advance. Therefore, we are unable to offer refunds for absenses. A late pick-up fee of $25 per child per hour (or part there of) applies 30 minutes after the programme has officially finished.


Parents with shared custody are both welcome to child, but are responsible for any fees from any booking/s they make. The repair cost of any damage wilfully caused by a child will be invoiced to the family. Unpaid accounts are referred to a collection agency and recovery costs are added onto the amount owing.


WINZ subsidies cover a portion of fees that eligible families pay. Please apply to WINZ before enrolling your child at OSCAR as this can take weeks to come through. Any shortfall in terms of WINZ payments is a responsibility of the parent/caregiver.


BEHAVIOUR  MANAGEMENT: Any discriminatory or abusive behaviour toward leaders or other participants will not be tolerated. Parents/caregivers are notified of any disruption caused by their children. PYDT reserves the right to remove any child from the programme for unacceptable behaviour; the parent will be required to collect the child immediately. No refund will apply.


CHILD PROTECTION: Our comprehensive child protection policy includes reporting any suspected child abuse to Oranga Tamariki. 


MAINTAINING ACCURATE RECORDS: The Youth Development Coordinator will keep accurate records regarding children/youth enrolled including records of current enrolments, attendance, health information and all medication administered by staff. All these forms and information will be kept in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 including the disposal of records. All personal information shared in discussions between staff or at meetings will remain confidential. All sensitive and personal conversations including telephone conversations shall be held discretely and in private. No information is shared except with the owner’s permission or as required by legislation, e.g. Health and Safety at Work Act. Information collected about children/young people from their enrolment form is only used for the purposes of the Papanui Youth Development Trust and is kept in a secure place and will be available for parents/caregivers to check for accuracy if they would like. Information may also be shared with Oranga Tamariki staff for the purpose of an audit.

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